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Chemical leak reported at Moratuwa University lab
A chemical leak has been reported at a laboratory of the University of Moratuwa. 26-02-2025 [More]

EC to convene on Thursday to decide on LG Polls date
The Election Commission is scheduled to convene this Thursday (27) for a meeting while it is reported that a decision regarding the date of the Local Government (LG) Elections is expected to be made during this meeting. 26-02-2025 [More]

Over 7000 affected by drinking water shortage due to dry weather
More than 7000 people across several districts have been severely impacted by a drinking water shortage caused by the prevailing dry weather conditions affecting the island. 26-02-2025 [More]

BASL alarmed over extrajudicial killings calls for impartial inquiry
The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) has expressed grave concern over the recent spate of incidents related to the killings of suspects in custody of law enforcement authorities and inside a courtroom which they claim pose a serious threat to the rule of law. 26-02-2025 [More]

Four inmates escape from Kandakadu rehabilitation centre
A total of four inmates have reportedly escaped from the Kandakadu Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre in Polonnaruwa. 26-02-2025 [More]

Pope Francis shows slight improvement and resumes some work while still critical Vatican says
Pope Francis remained in critical condition Monday but showed slight improvement in laboratory tests and resumed some work the Vatican said including calling a parish in Gaza City that he has kept in touch with since the war there began. 26-02-2025 [More]

Gnanasara Thero granted bail after appealing defamation sentence
The Colombo High Court has granted bail for Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) General Secretary Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero who had been sentenced to a nine-month lenient prison term for making defamatory comments on Islam. 26-02-2025 [More]

Hamas says no Gaza ceasefire talks unless Israel releases prisoners
Hamas says talks with Israel about further steps in the Gaza ceasefire deal are conditional on Palestinian prisoners being freed as agreed. 26-02-2025 [More]

5.1 magnitude earthquake hits Bay of Bengal tremors felt in Kolkata
An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 hit the Bay of Bengal on Tuesday morning with tremors felt in Kolkata and several parts of West Bengal. 26-02-2025 [More]

Seven including woman arrested over fatal shooting at Uswetikeiyawa beach
Seven suspects including a woman have been arrested over the killing of a man on the Uswetikeiyawa beach on Thursday (20) the police said. 26-02-2025 [More]


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